The Tree...

I was planning to take the Christmas tree down today.
I was planning to take the Christmas tree down on Tuesday.
Or was it Wednesday?
At any rate...
It hardly matters since I have yet to do it.

Tuesday I spent the day relaxing with a 12-year old who had a stomach ache, and then I did a French manicure for my sister-in-law.

Wednesday I visited with my mother, did housework, fought a cold, and gave the 12-year old a French manicure.

And today I went to an early morning appointment and then came home to sit in the recliner and watch Netflix on my laptop.
All afternoon.
There was a big salad and a lime Popsicle for dessert.

I did glance at the tree on my way to the kitchen for the lime Popsicle.
In my opinion, it looks perfectly happy where it is and I really hate to disturb it.
Besides, next week is my first week back to school for the Spring semester, and for some twisted reason I work way better under an insane amount of pressure.
I'll take the tree down then.
When I have absolutely no free time and way too much to do.
That way I can completely wear myself out and justify another day of watching movies online.

I told you. Twisted.


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