The Word of God...

The plan is to give each of my four children a Bible.
I am not referring to the many Bibles we have purchased for them over the years.
Children's Bibles.
Bibles for Teens.
Black leather Bibles with their names engraved in the lower right corner.
Instead, I am referring to four of my own Bibles.

Several years ago my husband purchased a very nice Bible for me.
It is a large, brown, leather study Bible.
The kind with all of the interesting footnotes at the bottom of each page.
After a few years of thoroughly loving the Bible and writing on many of its well worn pages, my Husband purchased a cover for my Bible.  He said that I either cover the Bible, or send it off to be rebound.

The thought of putting my Bible in the mail where it could possibly be lost, stolen, or further damaged, was more than I could bear, so I opted for the big bulky cover.
Which I eventually destroyed.
I'm hard on shoes as well.
And purses.
Anyway, after destroying the cover and having to literally cut my Bible out of it, my husband purchased me a second cover.
And a new Bible.
I have had the new Bible for a few years now, and while it isn't as thoroughly broken in as my original, and is yet to need a cover, it is beginning to show signs of wear, tear, and love in general.

The point of all this is not to share with you my Bible obsession, or my destructive nature.
Instead, I thought I would share with you the plan I have for each of my Bibles.
I have four children and the plan is to purchase, use, wear out, and completely love four separate Bibles.
Each Bible will be filled with my underlining, highlighting, notes, and the occasional doodle.

Each Bible will be dog-eared, yellowed, and most likely torn in places.
Each Bible will be thoroughly used, having been the Rock on which I stood over the years as a wife, mother, and someday a grandmother, and even a great grandmother.
Each Bible will be a real life tribute to God's faithfulness and goodness.
In my life.
And the life of mine.
And each Bible will be an encouragement and a testament to a child who may someday walk some of the same paths I walked before them.

Isaiah 40:8.
"...but the word of our God stands forever."

This passage is underlined in bold in one of my Bibles.
The page is wrinkled and has the look, feel, and smell of much use.
Notes, arrows, and reminders of similar verses surround this verse.
It is a "go to" verse when all else seems to fail.
It is a reminder that no matter what...
God's Word is alive.
I can rely on it.
And it is working on my behalf.

This is why I love Him.
And why my Bibles look the way they do.

This passage saw me through the years of raising little people.

I relied on this verse in Daniel during our years of homeschooling.

This is an absolute "go to" verse in Isaiah chapter 30, for whenever I am unsure about which path to follow.

Isaiah 58 brought me through a diagnosis of heart disease.

And Isaiah 54 is an incredible family protection verse!

There is a verse in Isaiah 43 that brings hope in a New Year.

And one in Matthew chapter 6 that reminds me of God's love and provision.

"...the word of our God stands forever."


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