DIY Memo Board
Stopping in for a few moments today to share a really fun DIY project the girl and I did yesterday.
I needed a memo board for that best-job-in-the-world I just started and I couldn't find any that made my heart sing.
While it could be argued that cork boards aren't necessarily designed for musically tuning one's heart, it could also be argued that anything that makes you happy has the potential to kick off the singing.
And having a very happy desk makes me very happy indeed.
Back to the point of the post.
The girl and I set about making our own memo boards yesterday out of a package of four thin cork boards that I picked up for less than $7 at Target. Since I only needed one, I gave the girl the other three for her room.
And this is what we came up with....
DIY Memo Boards
We started out with these plain, thin 12 x 12 in. cork boards.
We cut fabric at about 13 in. squares.
(Don't be like us. Cut your fabric at 13.5" or 14". The 13" squares barely wrapped around the back of the board.)
We stapled it onto the back, wrapping the corners sort of like we were wrapping a Christmas package...
I also put red scrap-booking brads across the top of mine because I had cut my square too short and ended up having to piece an extra strip on the top. The brads are my attempt at hiding my lack of planning.
Again. Don't be like me.
Think before you craft.
At any rate...
Again. Don't be like me.
Think before you craft.
At any rate...
It was quick.
It was fun.
have an ah-may-zing Tuesday, ya'll!