All Things Summer...

Today I'm thinking about all things "Summer".
And warm.
Probably because the sun is hiding and has been for a few days now.
But, there is a rumor going around that it promises to return by the weekend.
And I will welcome it with open arms!
And a short sleeve t-shirt.

Perhaps one of the reasons I am so looking forward to summer is because I ran across these pictures on my computer today.

(sigh) Can you STAND it?? The water is so blue.

The sun so bright.
The faces so happy.
If I close my eyes I'm there.
Except I think I just heard the heater kick on.
Oh well.

For now I'll just look at the pictures.

And snuggle down under the blanket.
Perhaps reheat the coffee.

Enjoy your day today. 
Even if it is cloudy and cold where you are.
Or if it's bright and sunny already in your neck of the woods.
Either way.
God is good.
And always faithful.
And b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l.
Just like warm happy faces on a bright summer day.
Which always returns. Every year.


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