it is what it is...
What if you stopped by today?
You know...
for a piece of my homemade fudge cake and a cup of Starbucks Anniversary Blend...
long comfortable conversation in big cozy recliners...
our shoes kicked off
and our feet tucked under handmade blankets.
A Yankee candle flickering on the side table...
Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?
Makes you want to know where I live?
Makes me want chocolate cake.
It also makes me look longingly around this house with the big cozy recliners I rarely sit in,
the Anniversary Blend that needs to be washed out of the long-forgotten coffee pot,
and the candle I never light.
I am, however, using one of the handmade blankets at the moment.
My sister is an absolute doll for knowing that it takes me exactly 34 years to make a blanket and that if I am ever to tuck my feet under one that is handmade, she will need to provide the blanket.
Which she did.
Love you, sister.
The point is this.
There's a point? you say...
Always. There is always a point.
It doesn't always make sense to the average mind, but it does swimmingly-well in my overloaded brain.
The brain that thinks of little else other than school at the moment.
The brain that would like to shoot me for trying to learn three computer languages at once.
Because I like a challenge and I overheard someone say that it couldn't be done.
Can't be done??
Sounds like the perfect thing for me to waste my time on. Where do I sign?
As I was saying about the point...
You thought I forgot.
I did.
The point is that life is exactly as it is despite the way we think it is but it isn't.
I know.
But it will come to you.
Think on it for a day or two.
It takes a while, but hang in there and you could eventually see things in the somewhat swirled around way that I see them.
Life is what it is right now.
It isn't always chocolate cake and pumpkin scented candles.
It isn't every season that we get to sit long, talk much, and laugh often.
Despite what the coffee mug says.
Some seasons we have to take the opportunity to phone a "favorite" while we are driving home from all the places we go.
We count that ten minutes on the phone as "talk much" and "sit long" and if we aren't too distracted by crazy drivers, maybe we will get to breathe for a second and "laugh often."
But this too shall pass.
And it makes up part of the journey.
The journey that is wonderful.
And fragile.
Life is a beautiful and fragile thing.
Appreciate it. Enjoy it. Share it.
Whatever season you find yourself in.